Alamo master plan
In October 2015, the City of San Antonio and the Texas General Land Office entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the Alamo Endowment to oversee and fund the development of a Master Plan and the implementation of that plan for the Alamo Mission World Heritage Site, the Alamo Plaza and the Alamo Historic District. Two representatives from each of the three organizations serve on the Alamo Management Committee, which is guidingthe development of the master plan.
The Alamo Management Committee selected Preservation Design Partnership (PDP) in March 2016 to lead the Alamo master planning effort after an extensive search process that included review of more than 250 firms and individuals from across the United States and around the world.
Led by nationally recognized thought leader, architect and planner, Dr. George Skarmeas, and Managing Principal and preservation architect, Dominique Hawkins, PDP is working in collaboration with San Antonio-based Fisher Heck Architects, Grupo De Diseño Urbano, Rialto Landscape Architects and more than a dozen other consultants who are experts in their respective areas of heritage planning and design to develop a visionary approach to the master plan, one that tells the entire 300-year history of the site
Completed (2017)